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Treatment of Prostatitis and Prevention

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In general, all men have a prostate gland that normally located under the bladder. Ordinarily, the size will be same as walnut but as they grow older, the size also improved. The prostate will be the generation of the semen, a fluid that carries sperm. If the prostate will become swollen or inflamed, that’s the start to become prostatitis. There are two categories that divide the prostatitis and it depends on its cause. The two kinds of prostatitis are both caused by an infection of the prostate are acute prostatitis and chronic bacterial prostatitis. Some symptoms of prostatitis may be caused when the muscles of the pelvis or the bladder will not working.

Most of the diagnosis of prostatitis will involves the elimination of other conditions that cause the symptoms and determining the kind of prostatitis you have. Consistently, your Prostatitis Doctor will ask an enormous question regarding your medical history that will include the symptoms. Your physician will conduct a physical assessment which include the digital rectal examination and diagnostic test. Some of the following diagnostic tests are included.

Your physician will require you to a urine sampling that will be analysed. As requested by your physician, your urine will be sent to a laboratory for finding if you have an infection.

Your physician will take samples on your blood to determine if you have the prostate symptoms.

As of today, most doctors will require their patients to undergo a CT scan of the urinary tract to make sure of the prostate examinations.

Some doctors will do the post-prostatic massage to test the secretions. Your doctor will come to a conclusion, after a series of tests and examinations, to which types of prostatitis you have. The most common type of prostatitis with an explanation will be found below.

Start with a quick symptoms of flu, acute bacterial prostatitis is usually caused by strains of bacteria that usually associated with fever, nausea and vomiting.

When some antibiotics will not get rid of the signs of prostatitis, you will surely developed a chronic bacterial prostatitis. This is how we can help with Prostatitis treatment.

Not commonly known and is not caused by bacteria, some types of prostatitis is chronic prostatitis or chronic pelvic pain syndrome.

The treatment of these prostatitis is depending on the extent of underlying cause, most commonly used are the antibiotics of low type if the prostatitis is not severe. An intravenous antibiotics will be administered by your doctor if severe prostatitis is being detected. In some circumstances, your doctor will recommend you to be admitted to the hospital. Discover more at